Saturday, October 21, 2006

Dr. Appointment, 10-19-2006

This week's Dr. appointment went well, I weigh about 138 (wow for me!), my blood pressure is good, and the baby is growing like crazy. I got a shot of RhoGAM this time, and will have another one after delivery because my blood type is O-. I heard the baby's heartbeat, pounding away, and the doctor said everything looks good.
My hands are swelling up and hurting all the time, and my feet are starting to get a little puffy too, which isn't fun. I'm getting my rings cut off on Monday, they're starting to get really tight around my fingers.
Other than that, not much going on, I have a Dr. appointment in 2 weeks, and then after that I think they'll be every week until delivery. 2 months to go! We're so excited!
The baby shower is on November 11th!