Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Aiden's 1st Christmas!

Well Aiden had his first Christmas yesterday and it was a lot of fun! He got lots of cute things, some clothes and some toys. Mom and Dad got a few things too. Thank you so much everyone. :)

Cortnee, Rachelle, and Rochelle

Justin and Aiden

Cortnee, Justin, and Aiden

Matt and Aiden

Mommy trying to fit Aiden in his stocking

Grandma and Aiden

Mom putting together Aiden's new bouncy chair

Aiden outside in the bouncy chair

Our Family

Sunday, December 24, 2006

More pics of the cutest baby ever...

So Aiden had a Dr. appointment on Wednesday the 20th (his due date!). Jason, myself, and the nurse all guessed how much he would weight. Jason said 7lbs. 1oz, I said 7lbs. 4oz., and the nurse guessed 7lbs. 8oz.
Of course mom was right, he weighed in at 7lbs. and 4oz.! It's too bad we didn't wager anything, hehe. The Dr. said he looks great and is doing just fine. He also got a Hepetitis shot, which he didn't enjoy obviously, but he was fine a few seconds after it was done.
Thursday night was an interesting one. I decided to take a leap off the porch in a hurry to get my phone out of my car. I fractured my foot, yay. Friday morning I had it casted and now it's on it's way to healing. I walk like a gimp, but hey. And the best part? My phone wasn't even in my car.
We went to a Christmas party on Friday night, and everyone loved him as usual.

So here are some new pics of the little one, just a few though, we will be taking more tomorrow on Christmas Day! Aiden's first Christmas!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

More pics!

Here we are again, with some new pictures of Aiden! He had a Dr. appointment a few days ago and weighed in at 6lbs. 11oz.!! He's finally big enough to carry around in the BabyBjorn carrier thing, which is awesome. Anyway, on with the pictures!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Pictures anyone?

Now that Aiden is home, we haven't taken as many pictures as we did when he was in the NICU, so I apologize for the infrequent updates, but these are the latest! The little guy is starting to get his baby fat! Look at those chubby cheeks!