Saturday, March 31, 2007

tee hee

Not many pictures to update with, we have been so busy lately with the move! We finally are into our new house. We are really liking it here, the neighborhood is great (and safe), the neighbors are very nice, and we get to save money! All good things. Unpacking is coming along, but slowly.

Aiden had a Dr. appointment on Monday and the Doc says he looks fantastic and is very healthy! He weighs a whopping 13 and a half pounds now! He barely has any clothes that fit him, although my mom and I just got a few new things today. :) The Dr. gave the "ok" to start solid foods now, so he's been munching on rice cereal since Monday. He's not a fan of it yet, but he's getting the idea; seems like he would rather have the bottle still. I gave him some applesauce today and dispite the little face he made because it wasn't warm (he doesn't like anything cold or room temp.) he seemed to like it! My mom bought him a little ouncy chair thing with toys on it, I'll have to get some pictures of him in it. He's a little small for it yet, but at the rate he's growing he'll be good to go by tomorrow. He's also sleeping in his own room now!

That's all for now, just trying to get things ready for the wedding, everything is coming along!

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